Monday, October 26, 2015


If you are my facebook friend, then you already know...

Here we go again! Baby Bell #2 is on the way. I am 12 weeks and 3 days today. I am almost over the first trimester and so happy about it. I can't even begin to describe to you how sick I have been. Last week, the nauseated feel subsided, and I thought that maybe first trimester was almost over! It is hard to keep a secret. We have known about this since August 31!

The fun thing is, it was a surprise to me as well. I went in to the doctor's office for a procedure that had to be done. I had been there for about 2 hours. Naturally, I was frustrated and close to walking out. I was finally called back, and the nurse told me right away that they could not do the procedure today. My emotions were probably wearing on my sleeve at this moment. I asked why. She said, "Well, did you know that you're pregnant?" My emotions switched at the blink of an eye. I was smiling from ear to ear. I took her arm and jumped up and down. I was so excited! She said they took three tests and I asked to keep one. I was so thrilled. As soon as I got home, I had Kinslee walk up to Coy with the test in her hand. He was happy as well. Our first appointment was Monday!

Monday, October 19, 2015

Pictures and the Weekend

This past weekend was fun! Kinslee, mom, Carly, and I went to the outlet mall on Sunday after church. I had gone with mom and Clayton on Saturday. Clayton, my brother, came into town from ASU for the weekend. Friday, everyone but dad and Jacob came to Robinson High's homecoming. I thought I would have to go home during halftime, but Kinslee fell asleep and all was well. Coy had gone hunting last weekend. Deer Jerky is in the making. When I get home today, it will be the first thing I eat. One of the BEST things about deer season.

Pictures Pictures!

Kinslee's 1st Birthday Party

My sweet toddler walking EVERYWHERE.
She loves to walk all the way down the sidewalk in our neighborhood
once we get home

Homecoming Friday with cuteness

Saturday, Kinslee watched as I played a lot of piano.
Carly captured this photo. I love it! It's a framer.

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Mom Life

Oh, the mom life! How it has taken over! I feel like I am non-stop running errands, cleaning, AND balancing home/work/raising a child/being a good wife! It sounds crazy, and it sounds like I have no time for me: TRUTH. Would I change any of it? Not one thing. I love Kinslee and Coy. It's a different kind of fun. It's a different kind of life. I feel like my family needs me and that makes me feel good :) Blogging has been taking the back seat, but now that I am in a routine with school, you may hear more of me. My goal is once a week. 

Speaking of mom life taking has my cooking life. I remember when it was just Coy and I. Even being pregnant with Kinslee, I was good at planning out meals ahead of time and following through with them. Kinslee can eat real foods, and that should make me a better cooker. False. I am trying, but I have been so tired after work, that my housekeeping and cooking skills have decreased. I try every once in a while, but that's something I need to work on. Kinslee and I baked cookies with pumpkin faces (the pre-cut kind). As my children grow, I'm hopeful we can bake the real kind :)

Update: My grandfather passed away at the end of July and Kinslee and I traveled to California with my immediate family. It was a good trip overall to see family and miss Grandpa with everyone. With a baby, it was stressful to be sure, yet at the same time, I couldn't help but think most of it was my fault. I need patience (Don't worry, I pray for some every day). Really, I could do it again. I just need to let the small things go...

Update: Coy and I purchased a new truck Ford F-150 2013. It is red and awesome! My turn next :)

Update: Kinslee's first birthday was a success. There was a small stressful time when it rained and everything had to be squeezed inside, but other than that SUCCESS! Not a lot of people came, but everyone who mattered did. I love that there was a day for her. It took her a while to dive into her cake, but once she started, she dug in! Looking forward to year 2 for my little walker and talker. 

Many pictures to come!