Monday, November 17, 2014

Up To Date

Props to all the moms who can blog, work, and play house at the same time! I cannot believe how I have time to even blog, but I do! This is a post to catch you all up.
I had Kinslee Kay Bell at 1:34pm on August 24th. I was exactly 38 weeks :) 
She was 5 lbs. 15 oz., 18 inches long!

She is three months old today. I truly cannot believe how much time has gone by!

FIRST WEEK: I will not sugar coat it, the first week was HARD. I did not know what to expect for what people have told me=no sleep. I was up every 1 1/2-2 hours. I am just glad I didn't have to work the first 6 weeks. It was hard placing her on her back because she kept startling herself and it woke her up. She sleeps on her tummy now.

FIRST MONTH: Generally speaking, the first month was hard. I honestly had to learn the ropes of soothing, feeding/nursing, changing, and take care of myself at the same time. Remember, we were moving after the 1st week! We actually lived with my parents for 8 days while waiting on our house to close. This was so stressful, however, I think our little family handled it well. My family was awesome. All three brothers, Dad, Mom, and Carly all helped. They stayed late too. It was a mess that night. Poor Coy! He threw out his back as well. My man worked hard. The last 2-3 days, Coy went back to the house and unloaded everything inside by himself. I could have gone back to our new home, but I was in SO much pain. I had an infected ingrown toenail that was taken care of at an after hour clinic. I thought it would be something, wear they could just give me antibiotics. No sir! They give you lidocaine with a shot on both sides of your sensitive toe. They will cut your toenail and once the numbing wears off (in about 30 min for me), it is so extremely painful. I could not do ANYTHING but lie there, moving around. Pain meds did not work. I had leftover Oxycodone that I took and it still didn't make a dent. No sleep for me that night. As I started to get better, Kinslee and I finally made it to our new home. I could not thank my mother enough for taking care of Kinslee during that whole escapade. By the end of the first month, she weighed 6-4. A tiny little thing!

SECOND MONTH: Still did not have a routine down yet! It was near the end of this month, that Kinslee finally slept through the night (11-4). I'll take it! During this month, I went back to work. It was easier than expected, but it helps tremendously to have my mother watch her most of the time. She LOVES her mat once she has eaten! I was and am still trying to find time to unpack! Goodness! by the end of the second month, she weighed 9-10, 23 inches long, 13 1/2 inch round head.

THIRD MONTH: We started on a routine of 930pm bedtime. It has been working, and I finally decided to put her to bed on her tummy. She has been sleeping soundly until 530-6am. It can only get better right? My house is still needing to be unpacked for the most part. I'm glad I have more of a routine down! Coy has been working hard on the house and garage. I get excited when he wants to go hunt. I love seeing him in his element. We haven't weighed her yet!

Kinslee is congested and has a slight fever right makes me nervous! I do not want to go to the doctor! I hate that she doesn't feel well. Family pics will be posted soon :)

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Moving on to 37 Weeks

Ever since my last post, this is has been harder than expected!! Mostly this is due to the poor swelling in my legs/feet/ankles. Regardless of what ANYONE says, I feel big! Kinslee can come out now.

34 Weeks
35 Weeks: You can tell the tops of my feet are puffing slightly

How far along: 36 weeks and almost 37

Gender: girl

Total Weight Gain: around 32 pounds if not a little more.

Maternity Clothes: I have not purchased anymore clothes because it's hard to convince myself that it would be worth it to spend the money.

Stretch Marks: I have a few stretch marks on the very tops of my thighs. They are barely seen, but I see them! Ugh

Sleep: I'm up every hour to hour and thirty minutes.

Movement: Kinslee moves all the time. Most of the time it's wonderful! There are quite a few times that she really moves/kicks hard

Cravings: Root beer floats, pizza, Soy Milk, burgers, subs

Symptoms: Swelling is getting pretty bad. It has traveled up my thighs. I'm a chubby legged penguin!

Belly Button In or Out: I guess you could say out.

Nutrition: Sorry I'm really not concerned as much with this right now! I was for so long! I just want to eat what I want now.

Next Doctors Appointment: August 20th! They say Kinslee is about 6 1/2 pounds now.

School starts next week already! Looking forward to teaching, but even more looking forward to having the time to spend with Kinslee Kay!
Our closing date for our new home is September 8th. We have been crazily packing and getting ready for both baby and home.

Friday, August 1, 2014

34 Weeks

This week, I am on the countdown! I only have a month and week left. I really can't wait!

31 Weeks

 32 Weeks

33 Weeks
I am taking my 34 week picture today! I promise my tummy isn't red. It's the lighting! I tried to edit it, but nothing worked.

How Far Along: 34 weeks, tomorrow is 35!

Gender: Girl

Total Weight Gain: 28 pounds.Getting out of the car and being short of breath is no fun!

Maternity clothes: I did succumb to purchasing a cute top that could work after pregnancy! I'm to the point where my maternity clothes don't even cover everything that needs to be covered!

Stretch Marks: I have really light marks on my upper right thigh. They are barely noticeable, but I did cry! It could be much worse. Still none on my stomach!

Sleep: I am up at random hours of the night for the bathroom. She has been still during my sleeping hours, but Daddy wakes her up when he starts talking to her before work every morning at about 630.
I can go back to sleep sometimes for about an hour. I love that she responds to Coy!

Movement: After I eat she is a definite mover. I love it though! Every once in a while she hits my Sciatic Nerve and my tummy looks contorted, but it just gets me excited even more.

Cravings: I'm a pizza lover, but I have literally wanted a nice burger every day. I never say no to sub :) I can also eat those cherry tomatoes like candy. At least it's healthy!

Symptoms: I am just an emotional person. Coy can tell you that! I do have swelling that I can't wait to be done with! Almost.

Belly Button In or Out: Almost poking out, but I feel like my tummy is stretched to its max.

Exercise: Sweling has caused me to just focus on my arms and just do some leg lifts. Man, I feel so bad because I was such a judger of pregnant people! I am not anymore because it's hard to stay fit preggo, fit into your wedding ring, and find clothes that actually fit you! Props to the ladies who can dress fashionably during this time.

Nutrition: Doing good with the caffeine intake: 15-20 mg a day if not less. I still want a good burger anytime. I snack on veggies (cucumbers, cherry tomatoes, beans). Every now and then I have a decaf frappucino. I'm sorry, but how am I supposed to completely give up Starbux? I don't want to judge others on this of course! The books say you can have caffeine. I just choose to limit it for me. I am convinced those 1st-2nd trimester headaches were from getting off of the caffeine. I do enjoy a good root beer float.

Next doctor's appointment: August 6th,  I'll be 35 weeks! I will have an appointment every week after that :)

We are in the process of house hunting. I love it! I don't mind looking at them all day. Last weekend, we saw 9 houses in the country. Today, we are looking at 2 in a sub division. It's nice that they are in West Little Rock. 

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

31 Weeks and Counting

After the wonderful vacation to Dauphin Island, my ribs are hurting! I tried calling my doctor just to make me feel better and to make sure everything was normal. We played phone tag the whole week! I had my 31 week appointment yesterday and she said that it was normal for your ribs to rub against your cartilage. I had read about it happening a lot with your right side, but not your left side (which was and is my issue). I can't believe how close we are getting to seeing our little girl! No, we don't have a name yet, but working on it constantly, believe me! I don't know if I will be able to afford maternity pictures, but maybe I can make some newborn photos happen. Moving to a new place may be happening at some point, but right now, we are looking everywhere in central Arkansas!

27 Weeks

28 Weeks

29 Weeks

30 Weeks

I noticed and felt a big transition between 29 and 30 weeks. My stomach just became a large rounder. Can you tell? 31 weeks will be shot sometime this week. 

How Far Along: 31 weeks

Gender: Girl

Total Weight Gain: 23 pounds. Everything is a big deal, from walking down the sidewalk to getting out of my car. I'm out of breath!

Maternity clothes: I have not made any fancy new purchases because it is so hard to spend money on clothes that I won't wear! I only invested in one swimsuit and you can see it in the pictures from my Dauphin Island post.

Stretch Marks: I am not seeing any yet and am so happy! Better not get too happy and just wait and see!!

Sleep: Baby girl wakes me up every now and then. It is hard to sleep on my left side because my ribs are killer. I get up about 3-4 times a night.

Movement: There are times when she moves like crazy and times when I'm guessing she is sleeping. It does not hurt so bad now. I feel like I can enjoy her movements now. They are less, but big! I can tell where her little feet, butt, and head are.

Cravings: Target breadsticks as usual! I don't get those all the time because I can't just always have them for lunch and dinner! I am a major burger person, but try to eat these in moderation.

Symptoms: Ribs on the left side make it hard to breath. I have slight swelling in my feet and hands. My wedding ring is not fitting! It isn't so bad that they look like balloons or anything. They are just slightly bigger.

Belly Button In or Out: I can't believe my belly button is still half in, half out. In pictures, it looks out.

Exercise: Because of my swelling, I have not been walking. I am so out of breath, and I just want to focus on being safe until this baby is here!

Nutrition: I try to eat healthy! When I'm dying and I mean DYING for a burger, I always feel that it's justified. I can't lie to you all! I am abstaining from coffee and maybe have 15-20 mg of caffeine if any at all a day. Major difference from before baby.

Next doctor's appointment: July 23rd, I'll be 33 weeks!

Dauphin Island at 30 Weeks

So many things have happened since my last update! I did say I'd update soon and truthfully that was before our computer decided to give out. I am actually typing from our apartment complex's computers! I am at the point where every 2 weeks I have an appointment with my doctor. Weird! Because I am so far behind, I may be posting twice today.

I hope everyone's Fourth of July was wonderful! Coy's family and I went to the Dauphin Island beach and Coy came up later because of his new job (which we are both so blessed and thankful for!) Besides the 10 hour car ride (in the third trimester), it was a lot of fun! I love spending time with his family. They are so enjoyable to be around.

Our Beautiful View

Met some great friends including this chica!

It was so relaxing :)

Monday, June 9, 2014


Yesterday was mine and Coy's 1st anniversary. The wedding cake and sparkling cider were better than I expected! He was hesitant to taste a year old wedding cake, but Stephanie did a fantastic job! His first day of work is today, so we didn't go out or do anything, but I truly enjoyed just a relaxing time just hanging out together. I'm actually working this whole week as well. We plan on celebrating next Saturday.
 Also happening Saturday is a baby shower my mom and sissy are throwing me! I am so excited! On Sunday, we are looking at a house and at some point a house to rent. I'm just ready to finally start looking at houses. Time is flying by for sure. I am 27 weeks and will post on that soon :)

Monday, June 2, 2014

Memorial Day Breakfast--last minute!

I woke up Monday morning of Memorial Day and completely forgot about breakfast! Even though it's just me and my husband, I wanted to make something different. I normally make biscuits and gravy, bacon, and eggs every Saturday we don't have drill. I mixed it up a bit. 

This was simple for my limited food options!

  • 6-8 eggs
  • 6-8 pieces of ham
  • 1-1/2 cups of milk
  • parsley (1-2 TB)
  • shredded cheddar cheese
  • salt and pepper
  • sliced tomato (optional for the topping
  1. Spray/grease muffin pan. Line with ham (1-2 slices. I used one slice)
  2. Whisk eggs, milk, parsley, and some salt and pepper together.
  3. Pour the egg mixture into each muffin spot (about 3/4 of the way)
  4. Top with shredded cheese and the tomato slice (optional)
  5. Put in the oven at 350 for 15-20 minutes. Voila!
Really you can mix in a veggie (broccoli) or sausage! Happy Monday :)

25 Weeks and Graduation

I just can't believe my last brother graduated high school. It just seems so unbelievable. Why did I tear up? He's my last brother! I have three, but just can't believe he is going to ASU in the fall. Carly will be the only one left at home. My wonderful grandparents came the 21st-28th to see his graduation and to spend time. It was a full Memorial Day weekend, full of graduations and memories.

Kanjam is must when all the siblings are together

This Monday, I'm technically 26 weeks, but I'm facing the same symtoms as last week! Exercise is getting better than when my grandparents were in town. We visited Coy's fam Saturday, and it was so nice to be out on the lake! A countdown for the beach June 28th has commenced! So ready :) 

Swimsuit pics later! I broke it in and it was perfect!

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

24 Weeks

Many things have progressed! I am now 25 weeks, and I'm posting late because Memorial weekend was so busy!

24 weeks :)
I fell in LOVE with this dress because it fits me in all the right places
Target- Liz Lange $25 (more expensive, but worth it)
Looking back, my tummy has certainly grown, but it's hard to tell a true difference from 20 weeks. 

How Far Along: 24 weeks

Gender: Girl

Total Weight Gain: 17 pounds. I feel like I move so slow! I would LOVE to stay within the 25-30 pound range by the end of this! Trying not to stress about the gain :)

Maternity clothes: I just purchased a pair of white shorts that were life savers this weekend, a beige striped tank, and a swimsuit. I'll post a pic when I'm not working and actually able to relax by the pool! Pea in the Pod is expensive, but ladies, invest! You must! 

Stretch Marks: None, woohoo! I'm still lathering myself up, even this week until the end.

Sleep: Every night about 3-4 times I wake up. It could be her or just bathroom runs. I made a pillow fortress (8+body pillow to be exact) after last week's horrible sleep episode and can sleep wonderfully other than the usual. 

Movement: Yes! It is crazy how much she moves. Sometimes, I wonder if she can ever sleep. Everyone can feel her and soon, I'll record a video of it. It just makes me want to see her more and more!

Cravings: Of course Target bread sticks and pizza will always be the picture. I love the spicy pringle flavors! Don't worry, I eat healthy :)

Symptoms: I would say there is so much movement that it can become uncomfortable and sore. Sometimes, I just want her to stop! No headaches. Figuring out how to sleep soundly was a task and I'm still sorting that. I am slow to move everywhere and sometimes feel down about it, but really try to stay positive by being open about it.

Belly Button In or Out: It's halfway out still. It's like the top only :)

Exercise: My grandparents were in town for a week and I never did. I know, sounds bad, but now that they are headed back, it is time to get on schedule! Walking 2-3 times a week for 2 miles, pushups against the wall, squats, planks, and leg pushes.

Nutrition: Nothing different here! I may have been less nutritious since my grandparents came into town, but I'm gonna crack down now!

Next doctor's appointment: 28 week June 18th-just a check up!

It really wasn't bad last week! It tasted like a soda AND they offered me fruit punch flavor! No one should be afraid of the  Glucose Drink :)

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Pesto Chicken Sandwich

pesto chicken sandwich


One of David’s daily naps is from 12:00-1:00p and if I want to eat lunch at a table instead of sitting on the floor, it must be done during that hour. Since I started staying home, I try to have healthy options at the house for lunch. Now that the weather has warmed up a bit, it’s either a ceasar salad, or this pesto chicken sandwich.
Frankly, two options for lunch is a big step for me. For the majority of my childhood I had the same thing everyday for lunch. A ham sandwich, cheddar goldfish crackers and a lemonade. I’m sure my mom offered me different options but I just wanted a ham sandwich every day. Oddly enough, I now can’t remember the last time I’ve eaten a ham sandwich. I guess I over did it as a child.
My friend Allyson first made this pesto chicken for me a few years ago. She mixed it with arugula and skipped the bread, and it was just as tasty! I started making this pesto again a few weeks ago and I remembered how easy and flavorful this chicken is!
2 cups firmly packed basil leaves
10 garlic cloves (yes 10)
3/4 cup etra-virgin olive oil
one 2oz jar (1/4 cup) pine nuts
1 cup grated parmesan cheese
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon ground black pepper
1. Place the basil and garlic cloves in a food processor and pulse a few times for a rough chop.
2. Add olive oil in a steady stream while food processor is on.
3. Add pine nuts, parmesan, salt and pepper and puree about a minute longer
Bake a couple chicken breasts, shred, and toss with pesto.
My favorite way to make this sandwich is to broil the bread to give it a little crunch. I also let some provolone/mozzarella cheese melt on one piece of the bread while it’s in the oven. Once the bread is  crispy, pile a decent amount of pesto chicken on one side, top with a slice of tomato, and then press the melty cheese over top.
This is great to make at the beginning of the week because the flavor really develops after the shredded chicken has been tossed with the pesto.
This would also be fantastic on ravioli or just smothered on bread!
Reblogged from:


Some Daily Fashion

It is so hard to convince myself to get maternity clothes because you only wear them for nine months and I'm not having 5+ kiddos (If it's God's will). Really guys, I would invest in dresses (especially if you are pregnant for most of the summer like me :), tank tops, and maternity pants (shorts, leggings). I have tried to wear my regular clothes as long as I could, but it really is worth it to invest in certain maternity clothes! If you are planning, plan to budget this in! Here's a little look at what I have been wearing!

Work Day: The blazer is actually gray with black stripes, white ruffled
 collar shirt,and black skirt. If you have black business pants with
pointy heels, that would be so cute!

Work Day: Cheetah print Old Navy cardigan, Black tank, Black Target
pants (psssst they're actually pajamma pants! But nobody knows that :)

I HAVE to post what I just ordered! Too excited to wait and then wear it to post! I have been on the lookout for CHEAP kimono jackets for the summer for a while now and I'm sorry, but 25-50 bucks is not cheap to me. Most boutiques will sell these sheer kimono jackets for that price. I just ordered this from here for 13 bucks and I'll post later after it comes!

 Happy Tuesday!

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

1st Baby Shower

Yesterday was my first baby shower. My sweet teacher friends threw me one before the end of the school year! My hostess' were the 6th grade English teachers. I can't believe I didn't get a picture with them :(

I got to keep the little booties!

My mom and sissy came!

We LOVE our stroller! It would be great for either a boy or girl! 
It has great storage!

A car seat can fit inside the stroller
because the seat reclines

We also received this Baby Einstein rocker from Target

I felt so blessed! Coy is content with everything, but pretty sure he's not as excited as I can be! Now, I can't wait for the baby shower my mom and sissy are throwing me in June!